An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Cohort study…Analytical Study Design in Medical Research(partII)

Cohort studies are observational analytical studies, the word ‘cohort’ is derived from the Latin word ‘cohors’, which means unit. For conducting cohort type of studies, the study population is chosen from general population both exposed to a certain agent suspected for disease development and unexposed to the cause. The population is followed for a longer period of time. The incidence in disease development in exposed group is compared with the non-exposed group. Therefore, the objective of a cohort study is to find out association between a suspected cause(s) and disease. If performed correctly, cohort studies can predict results comparable to the experimental analytical studies. The following measurements can be done in a cohort study design: absolute risk or incidence, relative risk (risk ratio or rate ratio), risk difference, and attributable proportion. Cohort studies are classified as prospective and retrospective studies based on the timing of enrollment of subjects and disease outcome.


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Hi,I,m Basim from Canada I,m physician and I,m interested in clinical research feild and web are more welcome in our professional website.all contact forwarded to

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